11 Lifesaving Tips To Help You Stay Safe While Living Abroad


Living abroad is an exciting and enriching experience, however it comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to safety and security.

Whether you’re a student exploring overseas studies, an independent adult navigating life abroad, or a family unit establishing roots in a new land, prioritizing safety remains paramount for you and your loved ones.

11 Lifesaving Tips To Help You Stay Safe While Living Abroad

1. Research Your Destination

11 Lifesaving Tips To Help You Stay Safe While Living Abroad | JapaCorner

Before you pack your bags and run off on an international adventure, undertake thorough research about your destination. Start off by trying to understand the local customs, laws, and cultural norms of your desired country.

This will come in handy if you get into scuffles or any other trouble and need the law to back you up. Knowing what law or custom applies to your situation will strengthen your case and increase your chances of staying out of murky situations.

2. Secure Accommodation With The Best Profile

One of the reasons you must conduct research on your destination is to help you make informed decisions especially about where you’ll live. It puts you in the best position to choose accommodations in safer neighborhoods.

When renting, only go for rental properties with positive reviews and security measures in place. Ensure that doors and windows have locks, and always ask for recommendations from locals as they have all the answers.

Lastly, talk to your potential neighbors and ask them questions about the neighborhood. This will furnish you with information that will guide your decision.

3. Stay Well Informed While Living Abroad

11 Lifesaving Tips To Help You Stay Safe While Living Abroad | JapaCorner

Stay informed about local news and events. Sign up for alerts from your country’s embassy or consulate, if available. Being aware of any potential risks or issues in your host country may save your life and property.

Being one of the first to receive information makes a difference. It gives you the power to make adjustments and changes that will mitigate the losses you should have naturally faced. For instance, if news of a string of car thefts and break-ins is reportedly on the rise in your city, you can reinforce your car security, find safer parking, reinforce your car locks, and take many other steps to protect against those eventualities.

4. Language Skills

If you’re living in a country that has a different language, don’t fail to learn the local language. Even if it’s just basic phrases, it will go a very long way. Bridging the communication gap between yourself and locals is crucial to keeping yourself safe.It helps you communicate with locals, ask for directions, and, most importantly, seek help when needed.

Since we can’t predict the mindset of others, another reason to learn the language of your country of residence is to intercept conversations about bringing you harm and act immediately to safeguard yourself. Strongly consider enrolling in language classes or using language-learning apps like Duolingo to improve your language skills.

5. Prioritize Personal Safety

Some of the important things to do are:

  • Avoid displaying expensive items like jewelry or electronics in public.
  • Be discreet with your belongings and use anti-theft bags or pouches.
  • When going out at night, stick to well-lit areas and use reliable transportation options.
  • Always let someone know your whereabouts and plans, especially if you’re going to unfamiliar places
  • For women, having pepper spray on hand can be beneficial for personal safety and self-defense.
11 Lifesaving Tips To Help You Stay Safe While Living Abroad | JapaCorner

6. Health and Insurance

Whether you’re living alone abroad or not, be sure to have medical insurance. Ensure that you have comprehensive health insurance for when medical emergencies arise and familiarize yourself with the local healthcare system and their locations.

Carry essential medications and prescriptions with you. If you have any medical issues, inform people you can trust.

7. Social Networking

A good network is essential to a person’s well-being. Prioritize building a solid network of friends and acquaintance, both immigrants and locals.

Join forums to meet other immigrants, attend social events, and use social media platforms to connect with others living in your host country.

You can read more about how to build networks while living abroad here.

11 Lifesaving Tips To Help You Stay Safe While Living Abroad | JapaCorner

8. Financial Security

Here are some steps to secure your finances:

  • Notify your bank of any travel plans to prevent any issues with your cards.
  • Have multiple forms of payment, such as cash, debit or credit card, and digital wallets.
  • Be cautious when using ATMs, and choose reputable banks or machines located in well-lit, secure areas.

9. Cultural Sensitivity

Respect for culture in your host country is essential for your safety and for building positive relationship with the community. Disrespect of the beliefs of others is a dangerous lifestyle and detrimental to the reputation of anyone living abroad.

Learn about local customs and traditions and try to be mindful of them. For instance, if your host country values modesty, endeavor to dress modestly when appropriate.

10 Learn to walk away

No one ever wishes to find themselves in life threatening situations. But life happens and those situations come whether or not we want them to.

When living abroad, you must learn to turn the other cheek when necessary. Situations may arise in your host nation where you’re bullied, discriminated, profiled, or even attacked. For the greater good, turn the other cheek.

11 Lifesaving Tips To Help You Stay Safe While Living Abroad | JapaCorner

11. Emergency Contacts

Keep a list of emergency contacts, including local authorities, your country’s embassy or consulate, and contacts back home.

Have this information readily accessible in case of emergencies. Take steps to make sure your emergency contacts are accessible.

Otote Omoyemwen
Otote Omoyemwenhttps://japacorner.com
Omoyemwen is an education policy analyst keen on sharing international scholarships, career openings, and migration opportunities for students globally. She has served as a teacher where she simultaneously imparts knowledge and pushes for better academic policies for her students.


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