5 Highest Salary Paying Countries for Expats


Looking to maximize your earning potential as an ex-pat? Relocating abroad can offer great opportunities, with some countries paying higher salaries than others depending on their industries, climate, and economy. While factors like average monthly income and minimum wages are important, it’s also essential to consider the local cost of living and taxes. In this guide, we’ve ranked the top 5 highest salary paying countries for expats, based on a variety of factors. From work visas to career prospects, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make an informed decision about your next career move.

Here they are, in descending order;


Switzerland is a popular destination for ex-pats due to its high standard of living and plentiful employment opportunities. Residents enjoy a high quality of life because the country has excellent healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Furthermore, Switzerland has a strong economy with low unemployment rates, implying that there are plenty of job opportunities for ex-pats.

But it’s not all about work in Switzerland – the country is also known for its beautiful landscapes, including the famous Swiss Alps. Switzerland is a multilingual society, with four official languages, making it a friendly place for people from all over the world. The Swiss also value having a healthy work-life balance, which means more time for family, friends, and hobbies.

The average monthly salary in Switzerland is one of the highest in the world, at around CHF 6,502 (USD 7,106), according to the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. This means that workers can earn a good income and enjoy the benefits of living in a country with a high standard of living. In addition, Switzerland is home to many multinational corporations, making it an attractive destination for those seeking international career opportunities.

Switzerland is among the safest nations in the world when it comes to safety. It’s a terrific spot to raise a family or just relax because of the low crime rate and tranquil surroundings.

Overall, Switzerland’s strong economy, high standard of living, and commitment to work-life balance make it a great place for ex-pats to live and work. Although the cost of living can be high, the benefits of living in Switzerland more than makeup for it. If you’re considering a move abroad, Switzerland is definitely a country to consider when looking at the highest salary paying countries for ex-pats.


Denmark is another country to consider when searching for the highest salary paying countries for Ex-pats because it ranks as one of the best countries to live and work in the world, it has a high standard of living, and a strong social welfare system. Another reason why Denmark is an attractive destination for ex-pats is its work-life balance. The average workweek in Denmark is just 37 hours, and many employers offer flexible schedules and generous vacation time.

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Denmark is among the best nations in the world for work-life balance. Employees there express high levels of happiness and a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives.

Denmark is renowned for its high salaries even more so. According to Statistics Denmark, the average monthly wage in Denmark is DKK 44,200 (USD 7,098). Denmark now ranks among the nations with the highest global average earnings. In addition, Denmark has a very low level of income inequality, which means that the gap between the highest and lowest earners is relatively small compared to many other countries.

Denmark is also a great place for entrepreneurs and small business owners, thanks to its supportive business environment and streamlined registration process. According to the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business report, Denmark is the fourth easiest country in the world to start a business in, which is a testament to the country’s pro-business policies and supportive infrastructure.


Although Luxembourg is a small country in the heart of Europe, it’s considered one of the best places to live and work. It has a lot to offer ex-pats, including a high standard of living, a booming economy, and a favorable tax system.

Luxembourg’s strong economy is one of the main reasons for its popularity among ex-pats. The country’s financial sector is highly developed, and its GDP per capita is among the highest in the world, at around USD 124,000. Furthermore, Luxembourg has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe, at around 5%, implying that there are plenty of job opportunities for those looking to relocate.

Another important factor that contributes to Luxembourg’s attractiveness as a place to live and work is its favorable tax system. With a maximum income tax rate of 41%, the country has one of the lowest tax rates in Europe. Furthermore, there is no wealth tax, municipal tax, or net worth tax. This makes it appealing to high-income earners and entrepreneurs who want to keep more of their hard-earned money.

When it comes to salaries, Luxembourg is also known for its high average monthly income, which is around EUR 6,200 (USD 7,300) according to Statistiques, the national statistics office.

In addition to its strong economy and favorable tax system, Luxembourg also offers a high standard of living, with excellent healthcare and education systems, as well as a diverse cultural scene. The country is also well-connected to the rest of Europe, with excellent transportation links and a multilingual population.

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Norway as our fourth option will not surprise you as one of the highest salary paying countries for expats in the world to live and work. The obvious reason is because of its high standard of living, strong economy, and generous welfare system, making it appealing to both locals and ex-pats.

One of the reasons why Norway is considered such a great place to live is its natural beauty. The country is home to some of the most stunning scenery in the world, from the dramatic fjords to the snow-capped mountains. In addition, Norway has a strong environmental ethos, and is committed to sustainability and protecting its natural resources for future generations.

Norway’s economy has a high GDP per capita, which is among the highest in the world. The country’s unemployment rate is also low, hovering around 4%, implying that those looking to relocate will find plenty of job opportunities. Norway is well-known for its oil and gas industry, which contributes significantly to its exports and government revenue.

Furthermore, Norway has a robust welfare state that serves as a safety net for its people and guarantees that everyone has access to fundamental services like healthcare, education, and other essentials. Its high rating on the United Nations Human Development Index, which gauges the welfare of individuals in various nations, reflects this.


The Netherlands is a country that has long been recognized for its high salaries and high quality of life. It is known for its progressive social policies, strong economy, and multicultural population, making it an attractive destination for both locals and expats alike.

One of the reasons why the Netherlands is considered as one of the highest salary paying countries for expats is its strong economy. The country is the 17th largest economy in the world and has a high GDP per capita. The Netherlands has a favorable business climate, with a stable political environment and a highly educated and skilled workforce. These factors attract multinational companies, particularly in the technology and pharmaceutical industries, providing plenty of job opportunities for skilled professionals.

The cost of living in the Netherlands is relatively high, particularly in the major cities like Amsterdam and Rotterdam. However, the high salaries and strong economy help to offset these costs, making it an attractive destination for skilled professionals looking for a high quality of life. In addition, the Netherlands has a high standard of public services, including public transportation and healthcare, which make it an easy place to live and work.

The Netherlands has a generous welfare system that provides benefits such as healthcare, education, and housing to its citizens. This system is funded through high taxes, but it also ensures that everyone has access to basic services and a high standard of living. In addition, the country has a strong focus on work-life balance, with a limited number of working hours per week and a generous vacation policy. This ensures that people have time to enjoy their personal lives and pursue their hobbies, adding to the overall high quality of life.

Finally, the Netherlands is a multicultural country with a welcoming and open-minded culture. The country is known for its progressive social policies, including its support for LGBT rights and gender equality. The country has a high standard of education and healthcare, and a high level of English proficiency, making it an easy place for ex-pats to integrate and thrive. The combination of high salaries, a strong economy, a high standard of living, and a welcoming culture make the Netherlands one of the highest-salary-paying countries to live and work in.


For ex-pats wishing to work and live overseas, these nations provide some of the best possibilities and the highest pay. Moving to a new nation is a big decision, and it should be based on a range of aspects, such as job prospects, cost of living, quality of life, and cultural fit. These nations are unquestionably worth taking into account for people looking for high pay and a solid work-life balance. In these top-ranked locations, ex-pats can experience great success and fulfillment because of their robust economies, encouraging work environments, and friendly attitudes toward foreigners.

Otote Omoyemwen
Otote Omoyemwenhttps://japacorner.com
Omoyemwen is an education policy analyst keen on sharing international scholarships, career openings, and migration opportunities for students globally. She has served as a teacher where she simultaneously imparts knowledge and pushes for better academic policies for her students.


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