Otote Omoyemwen

Omoyemwen is an education policy analyst keen on sharing international scholarships, career openings, and migration opportunities for students globally. She has served as a teacher where she simultaneously imparts knowledge and pushes for better academic policies for her students.

Exclusive articles:

Affordable Universities in Sweden for International Students

Lund University and Uppsala University stand out as top choices for affordable universities in Sweden. Renowned for their quality and affordability, both institutions provide...

Top 3 Scholarships in Denmark for Foreign Students

There are various financial support in forms of university grants, research stipends and scholarships in Denmark available to international students.In this article...

How to Apply for ISTA internship in Austria

In today's interconnected world, internships abroad have emerged as a valuable stepping stone for young professionals seeking to enhance their skills, and gain global...

5 Less­ Explored European Countries for International Students

While the spotlight often shines on European countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, and France, there are hidden gems scattered across Europe, waiting to...

5 Common Reasons for Deportation in the U.S

Illegal entry, overstaying visa durations and marriage fraud have recently emerged as leading common reasons for deportation in the U.S.Violation of immigration laws...


How to Prepare for a Green Card Interview in 2023

First off; It's not only you; many others have...

10 Tips for Choosing the Right University Abroad

As you contemplate your academic journey abroad, the decision...

6 Tips for How to Master And Balance Your Work-Life as an International Student

To prevent burnout, consider implementing at least one of...

2023 Job Market: 10 High-Paying Jobs in Canada

Are you exploring new career opportunities, trying to level...