A step-by-step guide to obtaining permanent residency in the United States


A Step-by-step guide to obtaining permanent residency in the united states

The United States of America is known as the “land of opportunity”, the country is well-known for its education, career possibilities, and excellent living standards, which attracts millions of individuals from all over the world to come and settle in the united states. Obtaining permanent residency in the united states, on the other hand, can be a complex and difficult process that requires completing particular qualifying criteria and executing a lengthy application procedure.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down permanent residency in the US. Join us as we explore the fantastic possibilities that lie ahead and discover how you can turn your dream of living in the US into a reality.

The importance of obtaining permanent residency in the United States

Permanent residency in the United States gives an individual the right to live and work in the country indefinitely. It also comes with a slew of advantages, such as the right to travel in and out of the United States without a visa, the ability to apply for government financial help for college, and the ability to sponsor family members for permanent citizenship. Furthermore, permanent residents can become US citizens, which opens up even more opportunities, such as voting and running for public office. We will explore the eligibility requirements, application procedures, typical problems, and advice for a successful application to gain permanent residency in the United States in this blog post.

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There are five different categories of permanent residency.

There are various categories of permanent residency available in the US, each with unique requirements and advantages. The green card, which is given to people who want to live permanently in the US, is the most popular form of permanent residency. Other categories of permanent residency include those based on employment, family, diversity, or refugee or asylum status.

In the united states, there are several different kinds of permanent residency. There are different eligibility conditions and application processes for each form of permanent residency. In the US the following categories of permanent residency are most common:

1. Green Card

In the United States, the most popular sort of permanent residency is a green card. It is given to people who plan to live in the United States permanently. The requirements for obtaining a green card vary depending on the individual’s specific circumstances, but they typically include having a qualifying relationship with a US citizen or permanent resident, employment-based immigration, investment-based immigration, or winning the diversity visa lottery.

2. Family-based immigration

Through family-based immigration, US citizens and legal residents can sponsor some members of their families to obtain permanent residency in the US. Spouses, parents, kids, and siblings are frequently included in the qualifying relationships. Depending on the individual’s particular relationship to the US citizen or permanent resident, there are different eligibility requirements for family-based immigration.

3. Employment-based immigration

Individuals with a valid job offer from a US employer willing to sponsor them are eligible for employment-based immigration. There are various employment-based categories, each with its own set of eligibility conditions. Eb-1 is for priority employees, eb-2 is for professionals with advanced degrees or outstanding abilities, and eb-3 is for skilled workers and professionals.

4. Investment-based immigration

Investment-based immigration, also known as the eb-5 program, allows individuals to invest a significant amount of money in a US business and create jobs in the US. The eligibility requirements for the eb-5 program include investing a minimum of $900,000 in a qualified US business, creating at least 10 full-time jobs, and demonstrating the source of the investment funds.

5. Humanitarian immigration

Individuals who have been awarded refugee or asylum status are eligible for humanitarian immigration. These people have demonstrated a legitimate fear of persecution in their home country and are seeking asylum in the United States. Establishing a credible fear of persecution and completing the other standards for refugee or asylee status are prerequisites for humanitarian immigration.

Eligibility requirements for obtaining permanent residency in the United States

Individuals must meet specified criteria to be eligible for permanent residency in the United States, which vary depending on the type of permanent residency they seek. Some of the most typical eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • Valid immigrant visa: to apply for permanent residency, an individual must possess a valid immigrant visa. The immigrant visa is proof that a person has been given permission to enter the US and become a permanent resident.
  • A person must be eligible for admission to the US. They must not have a criminal record, have a contagious illness that could endanger the public’s health, or constitute a security risk.
  • Financial capability: a person must be able to provide for their own needs financially. This often entails presenting proof of earnings, assets, and a sponsor (if required).
  • Relationship to a US citizen or permanent resident: people who want to immigrate to the US on the basis of their family must have a legal connection to a US citizen or permanent resident. Relationships that qualify often include those with a spouse, parents, children, and siblings.
  • Job offer: those looking to immigrate to the US legally on the basis of their employment must obtain a job offer from a US firm that will sponsor them. Additionally, the business must show that a US citizen cannot fill the position.
  • Investment: those pursuing permanent residence through investment-based immigration must make a sizable financial investment in a US company and generate US employment.

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5 common Ways to obtain permanent residency in the United States

  • Family-based immigration and the green card: certain family members may be sponsored for permanent residency in the US by us citizens and permanent residents. Relationships that qualify frequently include those with spouses, parents, kids, and siblings.
  • Green card via employment-based immigration: through employment-based immigration, people can acquire permanent residence. This usually calls for a work offer from a US company willing to sponsor the person. There are numerous distinct employment-based categories, each with its own requirements for qualifying.
  • Diversity visa lottery: the diversity visa lottery, commonly referred to as the green card lottery, is a program that awards a small number of immigrants from nations with low rates of immigration to the US with permanent residency permits each year.
  • Status as a refugee or asylee: people who have been given refugee or asylum status are eligible to apply for permanent residency in the US. This indicates that they are looking for safety in the US because they have demonstrated a legitimate fear of persecution in their home country.
  • Investment-based immigration: the eb-5 program enables people to invest a sizable sum of money in a US company and generate employment there. Investing a minimum of $900,000 in an approved US business, establishing at least 10 full-time jobs, and proving the source of the investment funds are all prerequisites for the eb-5 program.

It is important to remember that the eligibility criteria and application procedures for each category of permanent residency can be difficult and vary greatly. Seeking the assistance of an expert immigration attorney is strongly suggested to guarantee that all requirements are completed and the application process works smoothly.

Application steps for permanent residency in the United States

There are a few steps to complete if you want to apply for permanent residency in the US. Here are a few crucial actions to take:

  1. Gather necessary documents: You will need to gather all the necessary documents required for the immigration category you are applying for. These documents may include your birth certificate, passport, marriage certificate, and other relevant documents. Make sure to review the requirements for your specific immigration category to ensure you have all the necessary documents.
  2. Choose the right immigration category: There are several immigration categories through which you can obtain permanent residency. You must choose the category that best applies to your situation. This may include family-based immigration, employment-based immigration, or investment-based immigration.
  3. File the application: Once you have gathered all the necessary documents, you must file your application with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The application process may vary depending on your immigration category, and you may need to pay a fee.
  4. Attend biometrics appointment: After filing your application, you will receive a notice to attend a biometrics appointment. During this appointment, your fingerprints, photograph, and signature will be taken for background and security checks.
  5. Attend an interview (if required): Depending on your immigration category and other factors, you may be required to attend an interview with a USCIS officer. During the interview, the officer will ask you questions to verify your eligibility for permanent residency.
  6. Wait for a decision: After attending your biometrics appointment and interview (if required), you will need to wait for a decision from the USCIS. The processing time for permanent residency applications can vary significantly, depending on various factors such as immigration category and workload at the USCIS.

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7 typical problems that applicants may experience

The process of applying for permanent residency in the US can be difficult and complicated, and applicants may run into a number of problems. Common problems that applicants might have include:

  1. Delays in processing: One of the most common issues that applicants may face is delays in processing their applications. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as the volume of applications, the complexity of the case, and the workload of the USCIS.
  2. Incomplete or inaccurate application: Another common issue is submitting an incomplete or inaccurate application, which can lead to delays or even result in the rejection of the application. It is important to ensure that all required documents are included and that all the information provided is accurate.
  3. Difficulty obtaining required documents: Applicants may face challenges in obtaining the necessary documents required for the application process, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and police certificates. This can be especially challenging for applicants who are not fluent in English.
  4. Ineligibility for the desired immigration category: Applicants may not meet the eligibility criteria for their desired immigration category, which can lead to the denial of their application. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as not meeting the required education or work experience, not having a qualifying family member, or not having a sponsor.
  5. Request for additional evidence: USCIS may request additional evidence to support an applicant’s case, which can lead to delays in processing the application.
  6. Attending interviews: Some applicants may be required to attend an interview, which can be intimidating and stressful. The interview can cover a variety of topics, such as the applicant’s background, work experience, and intentions for staying in the US.
  7. Change in immigration policies: Immigration policies can change at any time, which can impact an applicant’s eligibility or the application process. This can be especially challenging for applicants who have been waiting for a long time for their applications to be processed.

7 ways to get through these difficulties

There are ways to get around the obstacles that applicants for permanent residency in the US can encounter during the application process. Some strategies for overcoming these difficulties include:

  1. Staying informed: Applicants should stay informed about the latest immigration news and processing times. This can help them better plan their application timeline and expectations.
  2. Seeking help from an immigration attorney: An experienced immigration attorney can help ensure that the application is complete and accurate, and can assist in addressing any issues that may arise during the process. An immigration attorney can also help applicants understand their eligibility and explore alternative immigration categories if necessary.
  3. Using professional translation services: Using a professional translation service can help ensure that all documents are translated accurately and can reduce the chances of errors in the application. This can be especially helpful for applicants who are not fluent in English.
  4. Providing all required documents: Applicants should ensure that all required documents are included in the application and that all information provided is accurate. They should also keep a copy of all documents submitted for their records.
  5. Preparing for the interview: Applicants who are required to attend an interview should prepare ahead of time. This includes reviewing their application and practicing potential interview questions.
  6. Patience and persistence: The application process can be lengthy and challenging, but it is important for applicants to remain patient and persistent. They should keep track of their application status and follow up with USCIS if necessary.
  7. Seeking support: Applicants may also seek support from family and friends during the application process. This can help reduce stress and provide emotional support.

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7 tips for a successful application

  1. Understanding the process and requirements: It is important for applicants to understand the application process and eligibility requirements for their desired immigration category. This can help them prepare a strong and accurate application.
  2. Hiring an immigration lawyer: An experienced immigration lawyer can help applicants navigate the application process, ensure that all required documents are included and that all information provided is accurate, and can assist in addressing any issues that may arise during the process.
  3. Maintaining a clean record: Applicants should maintain a clean criminal record, as this can impact their eligibility for permanent residency. This includes avoiding any criminal activity and ensuring that any previous criminal records have been resolved or expunged.
  4. Preparing for the interview: Some applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the application process. It is important for applicants to prepare ahead of time by reviewing their applications and practicing potential interview questions. They should also dress professionally and arrive on time for the interview.
  5. Maintaining a positive attitude: The application process can be lengthy and challenging, but it is important for applicants to maintain a positive attitude throughout. This can help reduce stress and anxiety, and can also create a positive impression on the USCIS officer.
  6. Providing accurate information: Applicants should provide accurate and honest information throughout the application process. Any misrepresentation or falsification of information can result in the denial of the application and can impact future immigration opportunities.
  7. Following up with USCIS: Applicants should keep track of their application status and follow up with USCIS if necessary. This can help ensure that the application is being processed in a timely manner and can also help address any issues or concerns that may arise.


Even though it can be a drawn-out and challenging procedure, obtaining permanent residency in the US can have numerous advantages for both people and families. Applicants can better position themselves for a successful application by becoming familiar with the various kinds of permanent residency, qualifying requirements, and typical difficulties. To improve your chances of success, make sure to follow all rules and regulations, keep your record clean, and think about engaging an immigration lawyer. These actions will improve applicants’ prospects of being granted permanent residency and attaining their objectives in the US.

Otote Omoyemwen
Otote Omoyemwenhttps://japacorner.com
Omoyemwen is an education policy analyst keen on sharing international scholarships, career openings, and migration opportunities for students globally. She has served as a teacher where she simultaneously imparts knowledge and pushes for better academic policies for her students.


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